Adult 3 Package: Butterfly and Commemorative Keepsake
Be a part of Friends of ElderDog Society's annual Butterfly Release held each August at ElderDog Canada headquarters in Lunenburg County, NS. The butterflies are released as a way to remember and pay tribute to beloved companions who have passed on. You can purchase a live butterfly to release during our service of commemoration. If you are unable to attend, we will release your butterfly on your behalf. This package includes a beautiful hand-crafted pewter commemorative keepsake, a perfect size to tuck into a pocket or purse, under a pillow, or any special place. The soft velvet pouch adds a touch of warmth and respect reminiscent of the human-canine bond. The engraved message, “I cherish the time we had together” says it all. A lovely gift of support and consolation for a grieving friend or family member or a treasured personal tribute. The 2025 Butterfly Release will be held on August 16.
Butterfly orders should be received by July 31 each year in time for our annual event. Remember to provide the name of the dog being remembered at time of order.
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